How Much Does an Arborist Report Cost and What Does It Include?

The cost of arborist reports will depend on several different factors, including the purpose of the report and the information required.

Pricing for arborist reports generally start at $500 +gst for a single tree Arboricultural Assessment Report, with discounts available when multiple trees are being assessed at once.

What is an Arborist Report?

Certified arborist reports are very detailed, looking at every aspect of the tree and its surrounding environment. If you are applying to get the tree removed, the arborist will do an Arboricultural Assessment Report for council planning to gauge the tree’s retention value and the pros and cons of the tree’s removal. If the pros for removal outweigh the cons, then you are looking good at getting approval for removal.

Arborist reports can vary in their length and details, but at a minimum will include the following:

  • Species
  • Origin (native / non-native)
  • Dimensions (height and canopy spread)
  • D.B.H (Diameter at Breast Height)
  • Health 
  • Structure
  • Age
  • Retention Value
  • U.L.E (Useful Life Expectancy)

There are many uses for a certified arborist report. The principal purpose of an arborist report is to provide an analysis from our qualified arborists of the type and condition of trees for the purposes of planning, construction and land management.

Arborist reports for tree removal help councils to make decisions on whether to grant tree removal permits. They also help councils to draft tree protection laws, determine how best to manage council land and to identify trees that could pose a risk to the local community.


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